Monday, March 1, 2010

Becoming Standard

"The most effective way of dealing with policy resistance is to find a way of aligning the various goals of the subsystems..." ~Meadows (115) Many systems, many goals and somehow...we need to make it work. The development of so many ideas and thoughts over our socio-economic & environmental outcome has led to some confusion and turmoil and we HAVE to make it work.
But how?
In the most positive light...our American capitalist society has led us to believe we need certain things, certain ways, certain paths...I guess in a way that is an agreement in the system but we really need change. The subsystems traditionally allow one voice and I would like to see others become much more powerful and stronger.
Government has a definite hand in our everyday actions and but our voice needs to be stronger.
We are getting there, thought. Just the simple idea of recycling has gone from a meager thought to a social norm and those be shunned to not have a recycling bin. We can do it, we are on the way so let our systems unite for all that should be done, all that is good, all that CAN be.

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