Sunday, May 2, 2010

Green Revolution

I have always been concerned with being more sustainable, and after take Moving Toward Sustainability, I am even more aware of the impact that my everyday actions make on the Earth. I now have the knowledge to a sustainable individual and I feel like its my duty to inform people that are ignorant to the Green Movement about what they can do. It will take the help from everybody to fix what we have done to this Earth, and I think that transcendence is just as important as recycling and energy conservation. All throughout history there have been revolutions against the many atrocities that the government, as well as humans in general, have committed. The most recent in the United States being the protests against the Vietnam War, millions of American's came together to advocate for peace and love. The most pressing issue in the United States, and all over the world, is how much, and how rapidly, we are polluting the Earth. More and more people are realizing that action needs to be taken to fix this, but the people that really need to be convinced to go Green are our political leaders. As unfortunate as it is, politicians control everything, with out their support we can't get anywhere. This is why I propose a revolution. It takes the power of millions of people, with the same goal, to overcome great social obstacles such as this. For the whole Earth to become Green, we need the strength that comes from a outright revolution.

How can we stop obesity?

Obesity is a rising problem in America, it is actually called an epidemic. People have been asking why obesity is such a problem for a long time, but the real question we should be asking is how can we stop the problem in its tracks and keep people from becoming obese. No one wants to be obese, but so many people are. Why? There are so many reasons why people over eat, but I believe that the biggest reason is the fact that people are uneducated. Ignorance kills. Not only do people not receive enough information about healthy eating habits, but the information they do receive is wrong. We are constantly bombarded with commercials advocating for the unhealthiest of places, McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King. It is ingrained in people's minds that all these fatty foods are too tasty to resist, and that a Big Mac equals good food.

If we were to just eat foods that came purely from the Earth, nothing processed whatsoever and free of any additives, there would be no such thing as obesity. The Earth gave us an abundance of good food, everything we need to live and prosper. People used to eat just when they were hungry, just to survive. Now there is so much food available that people no longer eat to live, but eat for pleasure. There is of course nothing wrong with getting pleasure from food, but most of the food that people get pleasure from are very unhealthy and very fattening. We need to begin educating people right from the start, in elementary schools, that everything you put into your body becomes your body.