Tuesday, October 7, 2008

World Savings

I must say that the more I read this book It becomes more facinating to me. I really enjoyed the essay by Kent Whealy about the seed savers exchange. Many of you may not know that the world is doing this on a global scale as we speak. we have created a Global seed vault on the Norwegian island of Svalbard near the north pole. It also has the nick name "Dooms Day vault". What have we come to when we are loosing our species of plants at an exponential rate. So here is a little of what they are going to do, they take approximatly 500 seeds in a puncture, air and moisture resistant envelop. Then they put it in a plastic box with its seraiel number on it for referance. After that it's put on a shelf nearley three quarters of a mile in the frozen mountain for safe keep . Once again we have to ask ourselves why do we have to do this?. Any sane person would say why dont we begin to fix the problems we have started and start to repair our ecosystem.

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