Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ask Your State Legislators to Introduce Bills to Label GMO Foods

National polls show that the vast majority of consumers want foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to be clearly labeled. For more than 10 years, conscientious Senators and Members of Congress have introduced federal legislation for mandatory GMO labels, but the issue has never been voted on in Congress.
It's time to take the movement for truth-in-labeling and consumers' right-to-know to state legislatures and local governments, to grocery stores, restaurants, schools and hospitals and demand that they put labels on GMO foods now!
Please use this form to write to your state legislators, asking them to introduce legislation making GMO labels mandatory in your state.
Learn more:

Here is a link to let your State Reps. know you want Genetically Engineered Food labeled. It takes 10-15 seconds. I Just did it, super easy. You have to copy and paste the link cause i cant figure out how to make it an actual link:

1 comment:

Steve said...

actually it looks like the link works...LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!