Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vandana Shiva - The fight for equality

Dr. Vandana Shiva was born on November 5, 1952 in Dehradun, India  to a father who was the conservator of forests and a farmer mother with a love for nature. She was educated at St Mary's School in Nainital, and at the Convent of Jesus and Mary, Dehradun. After receiving her bachelors degree in physics, she pursued a M.A. in the philosophy of science at the University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada), with a thesis entitled "Changes in the concept of periodicity of light". In 1979, she completed and received her Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario.
In 1982, she founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, which led to the creation of Navdanya in 1991, a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of living resources, especially native seed, the promotion of organic farming and fair trade. For last two decades Navdanya has worked with many local communities and organizations serving many men and women farmers. Navdanya’s efforts have resulted in conservation of more than 2000 rice varieties from all over the country and have established 34 seed banks in 13 states across the country. More than 70,000 farmers are primary members of Navdanya. In 2004 Dr Shiva started Bija Vidyapeeth, an international college for sustainable living in Doon Valley, in collaboration with Schumacher College, U.K.

Dr. Shiva also works with many Governments to establish more nature and farmer freindly food systems. Among these countries she has worked with is Italy, India, Spain and many, many others around the Globe. Jigme Thinley, advising the Government on how to achieve their objective of becoming an Organic Sovereign country (the first fully 100% organic country).

Here willingness to work with many organizations and Governments has led to a great deal of accolades and appreciation from every corner of the Earth. Time Magazine identified Dr. Shiva as an environmental “hero” in 2003 and Asia Week has called her one of the five most powerful communicators of Asia.
Vandana Shiva is currently working on a 3 year project with the Government of Bhutan, at the invitation of the Prime Minister
Dr. Shiva has also published numerous books and publications. Below is a list of her works.

1981, Social Economic and Ecological Impact of Social Forestry Kolar
1988, Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Survival in India

1991, Ecology and the Politics of Survival: Conflicts Over Natural Resources in India
1992, The Violence of the Green Revolution: Ecological degradation and political conflict in Punjab

1992, Biodiversity: Social and Ecological Perspectives (editor)
1993, Women, Ecology and Health: Rebuilding Connections (editor)
1993, Monocultures of the Mind: Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Agriculture
1993, Ecofeminism, Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva
1994, Close to Home: Women Reconnect Ecology, Health and Development Worldwide
Biopolitics (with Ingunn Moser)
1997, Biopiracy: the Plunder of Nature and Knowledge, South End Press
2000, Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply, South End Press
2000, Tomorrow's Biodiversity

2001, Patents, Myths and Reality
2002, Water Wars; Privatization, Pollution, and Profit
2005, India Divided2005, Globalization's New Wars: Seed, Water and Life Forms Women Unlimited
2005, Breakfast of Biodiversity: the Political Ecology of Rain Forest Destruction

2005, Earth Democracy; Justice, Sustainability, and Peace
2007, Manifestos on the Future of Food and Seed, editor
2008, Soil Not Oil

2010, Staying Alive

A few of her Awards

1993: "Global 500 Roll of Honour", by UNEP
1995: "Pride of the Doon" Award from Doon Citizen Council
1997: The Golden Plant Award (International Award of Ecology), Denmark
1998: Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic from the International Scientific Committee of the Pio Manzu Centre at Rimini
2009: inducted into the Public Intellectual Service & Advocacy (PISA) Society

2011: "Calgary Peace Prize" from the Consortium for Peace Studies at the University of Calgary
named a "Citizen of the Next Century" by Future-ish


Her drive for gender, food and commercial equality is a very unique social approach to the adverse conditions around the Globe. She feels that relying on the rich business interests for food is very misguided. Companies such as Monsantos are among the Global companies thet Dr. Shiva fights. She feels that the monopoly of food is killing the land, degrading the farmer and poisoning the food. Her efforts through her many organizations and educational outlets offer the World with a genuine opportunity to change their system on the topic of overall equality. Although she is most known for her fight for food, she has been extreemyl vital in the fight for gender equality in her home country of India among many other countries around the globe.

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