First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This statement from a scientific view I completely agree with but from a philosophical view I have to argue. From a personal stand point we all have a day to day routine where we expel a certain amount of energy and time on the things we find important in our lives; such as relationships, health, personal well being and the well being of others around us. Being educated and educating others
to make conscious and positive decisions in regards to how they impact the environment can create a collective energy changing our wasteful mindset changing the energy we expel each day to move towards a sustainable future.
Some of the simplest things such as having a garden in our backyard makes a huge difference by lessening our ecological footprint by reducing carbon emissions, unnatural pesticides and fertilizer pollution. In terms of the second law of thermodynamics stating that although energy cannot be created nor destroyed it can be transformed from one form to another I believe that this means that all energy is cycling. Converting energy from one form to another is not always 100 percent efficient sometimes losing energy called "entropy" but not actually lost only transferred to unusable energy. Having a garden is a perfect system when looked at linearly. Expend energy to grow the food that in turn provides the energy back, a perfect cycle, 100 percent efficient.
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