As I was reading Part I of Nature’s Operating Instructions, I found myself awed by the concepts surrounding Biomimicry, more importantly, I found myself hopeful. In fact, I had some of the same feelings reading this text that I get when reading a good science fiction novel. I actually had to check the cover a couple times just to make sure I was reading the right book.
All too often today, we are bombarded with negative ideas. Images of a bleak future for which we do not control; immanent doom seems to fill our airwaves and a feeling of helplessness seems to permeate our society. It’s refreshing to have ideas that provide a possible alternative to the usual. Images of a world where nature becomes the teacher and humans the student. Ideas, that if practiced, may change the human role in nature, from one of conqueror too one of partner.
All too often today, we are bombarded with negative ideas. Images of a bleak future for which we do not control; immanent doom seems to fill our airwaves and a feeling of helplessness seems to permeate our society. It’s refreshing to have ideas that provide a possible alternative to the usual. Images of a world where nature becomes the teacher and humans the student. Ideas, that if practiced, may change the human role in nature, from one of conqueror too one of partner.
The idea that nature has much to offer us, if we as a species are willing to learn from it, really is profoun
d in its simplicity. Nature is far more complex then I believe most people give it credit for. In fact, the ideas of Biomimicry have me looking at nature very differently. Instead of seeing a leaf, I wonder now if I’m seeing a future power-cell able to convert sunlight into energy for more then just food.
I now wonder what I can learn from each organism in our biosphere. What wonders does each and every living thing have to offer us that we may not have considered before? In the end, I believe if we are patient and take the time to learn the secrets nature has to offer, there is hope. A future where positive results are commonplace, where things are renewable and sustainable results are just part of everyday life.

I now wonder what I can learn from each organism in our biosphere. What wonders does each and every living thing have to offer us that we may not have considered before? In the end, I believe if we are patient and take the time to learn the secrets nature has to offer, there is hope. A future where positive results are commonplace, where things are renewable and sustainable results are just part of everyday life.
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